Feeling more and more positive about your life and yourself
In a world constantly emphasising “more and more” of having, doing, discovering, learning etc., it is easy to feel chronically...

Are you busy today? No, not at all actually!
Someone recently mentioned to me he was in a shop and had this very conversation. We laughed as he described to me how the shopkeeper's...

When we don't feel fulfilled...
There are many areas of our life where we can feel unfulfilled: at work, in our relationships, with the way we manage our time, with our...

Tips 5 and 6 on how to improve your relationship with yourself
10 Tips on how to improve your relationship with yourself Episode 3: Tips 5 and 6! Tip 5: I shall stand up for myself We often think...

Tips 3 and 4 on how to improve your relationship with yourself
10 Tips on how to improve your relationship with yourself Episode 2: Tips 3 and 4! Tip 3: I shall take responsibility for my happiness...

Quote of the week
I read one day this very clever explanation on how we, human beings, could avoid conflict… “Imagine if ice cubes floating in cold water...

The Game of Gratitude
A very good friend of mine told me one day that she and her husband had this habit of pausing every night before going to bed and share...

Looking after Mum!
To celebrate Mother's day, I will be sharing in May 4 interviews I have had with Sarah Morrissey, from Little Rockers Radio, a radio for...

Let us be MORE...
"When we aspire to BE more ourselves and we try to do it with solutions related to “have more” we can only get into frustrations” Every...

Quote of the week
"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." --A....